Each year companies, boroughs, and small businesses, should have there commercial underwriters come in and do an intense audit of the risk exposures associated with the running of those businesses. Mechanicsburg and Cranberry Township did this audit and they were very surprised what the audit revealed. The audit exposed two large factors to risk. The largest area of risk was in the training of employees driving company vehicles and documentation of that training. Furthermore, the accountability of the employees who were involved in accidents was non-existent and the discipline was inconsistent. The recommendations from the underwriters was to establish written policies and implement recurrent training. This is the area that Ultimate Defensive Driving can be of assistance. UDDS provides licensed professional training and can help in policy writing to bring companies up the the speed of business. If your company is exposed in this area Ultimate Defensive Driving can help. From complete policy development and training implementation to conducting employee assessments on the road. If you have a need feel free to call to get yourself out of the exposed risk red zone!
Headquartered near Pittsburgh, PA, Ultimate Defensive Driving School has been serving individual and commercial clients in the Pittsburgh area and beyond since 2006