Ultimate Defensive Driving

Teen Driving Issues

In 2019, 4,356 people were killed in crashes involving young drivers ages 15-20. Of these fatalities, 1,603 were young drivers.  Teenagers contribute to, and suffer from, the consequences of motor vehicle collisions at a disproportionate rate. Teen drivers ages 16 – 19 are nearly three times as likely as drivers aged 20 or older to be in a fatal crash. These crashes are preventable. Ultimate Defensive Driving’s training provides techniques to keep their clients safe.


Research shows that when teens become licensed drivers, they have significant skill deficits, leading to a much higher risk of crashing compared with more experienced drivers. Both parents and teens need to understand the risks associated with teen driving.

While driving for a teen is a big freedom, it is also a very big responsibility.

The majority, 75%, of serious teen driver crashes are due to “critical errors,” with three common errors accounting for nearly half of these crashes: lack of scanning that is needed to detect and respond to hazards, going too fast for road conditions, and being distracted by something inside or outside of the vehicle.

Car Crash Prevention

Car accident prevention begins with helping teens gain the experience and skills necessary to stay safe on the road. Statistics show that motor vehicle crashes remain a leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States. Per mile driven, drivers ages 16 to 19 have crash rates approximately four times greater than those of drivers ages 20 and older. Fatal crash risk is highest for those ages 16 and 17.


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