Ultimate Defensive Driving

High Crashes Involving Deer

It’s that time of year, again. Crashes involving animals, especially deer, are on the rise.

Pennsylvania is one of the top states in the country for vehicle crashes involving animals. Most of these crashes involve deer.

Deer collisions can cost drivers thousands of dollars in damage.

New data shows that the odds of a driver hitting an animal this year across the country are 1-in-128, with much higher odds here in Pennsylvania.

In Pennsylvania, the chances of being involved in a crash with a deer are the fourth highest in the country, with a 1-in-61 chance.

West Virginia holds the highest odds at a 1-in-40 chance a driver will collide with a deer.

Deer collisions peak from October through December, during deer mating season.

Be especially vigilant between dusk and dawn when animals are most active and watch for herds. If you see one, expect a few more to be around.


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